Dirt-Cheap Dividends: Low P/Es, Yields Up To 6.1%

 | Jun 03, 2022 05:08AM ET

The point of a bear market is to bring price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios back down to earth. Preferably into single digits.

I like P/Es under ten because it means that the company at least has a chance to pay us back within a decade. Give me a P/E of eight, a business I’m comfortable with and I’ll happily wait the eight years.

Bonus points if I can get paid to wait, which is where dividend stocks come in.

Thanks to this unfolding bear market, we finally have discounts in High Yieldland. We recently chatted about five cash flowing bargains, and here in just a minute, we’ll discuss another five.

The major market indices have finally bounced. It’s still been an ugly year, and that’s just fine with us value-minded dividend guys and gals. This helps bring valuations into reasonable territory.

h2 Finally, a Correction