Defense Can Save Your Portfolio

 | Feb 09, 2016 01:49AM ET

Defense can also save your portfolio so that you’re able to invest for another day. The wheels started to come off of risk six months ago when High Yield bonds began to significantly underperform Equities. As the market blamed the divergence on the weakness of Energy and Material credits, the weakness spread to Investment Grade bonds. Then came declines in European Financials which has now infected U.S. Financials. The continued weakness in credit and financials is disturbing and a sure reason to have your best defense on the field right now. While few would suggest that a recession is near given the strength in jobs, worries are rising that the declines in the equity and debt markets could pressure the economy into further slowing. Don’t forget that the markets will often move both higher and lower than you might believe. Buying credit and equities to bet against a U.S. recession might seem like a good idea right now, but what if you could place that bet at a much lower price in the future. That is where we are. The market gods are angry. This is no time to be a hero with the Fed in a corner and U.S. presidential election uncertainty building.

The wheels have come off the Citi Panic/Euphoria model as the index clears to new lows (which will eventually set up solid forward returns)…