Cryptoeconomics – The Opportunities And Challenges Of Blockchain

 | Jul 03, 2017 06:56AM ET

While the activities using the peer-to-peer cryptocurrency bitcoin swing between legal and illegal, the attention has been increasingly shifting to the technology underlying bitcoin, known as blockchain. The mechanics and economics of bitcoin have been reviewed in a previous Bruegel blogpost. In this blog review we explain, or at least attempt to, what blockchain is and whether it contains the extraordinary innovation potential that its proponents believe it to have, or perhaps such hype is oversold.

What is blockchain?

The Economist explains that in order to understand how blockchain works, first we need to distinguish between three things: the bitcoin, the cryptocurrency, the specific blockchain underlying it and blockchains in general. bitcoin is the largest, most known project that uses this technology, but numerous other large cryptocurrencies are emerging based on blockchain. Blockchain is a trusted public ledger without single user control or centralized authority, where the participants themselves collectively keep track of the system. bitcoin’s blockchain, for instance, keeps track of the transactions continuously and prevents double-spending.