Chart Of The Day: Trading Oil's Apparently Bullish Trend

 | Mar 29, 2022 09:28AM ET

Concerns of tighter supplies have caused oil prices to rebound on Tuesday after two days of losses. News broke yesterday that crude production in Kazakhstan has been disrupted by maintenance on one of its major pipeline terminals. 

The Central Asian nation, once part of the Soviet bloc, is home to the largest proven oil reserves in the Caspian Sea region. It announced Monday that "huge drops in intake to the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) pipeline" from two of its major fields could cut supply by 320,000 barrels a day until the end of April when scheduled work on the terminal should be complete.

The recent selloff was due to worries that harsher social restrictions in China amid a worsening COVID breakout would hit demand. As well, hopes for a Russia-Ukraine ceasefire improved the Russian oil production outlook if the talks taking place in Turkey prove to be successful.

These conflicting fundamental themes are also visible on WTI's technical chart, via the supply and demand dynamic.