Chart Of The Day: Oil Could Return To $30 Before Breaking Below $20

 | Mar 23, 2020 10:46AM ET

Yes, we know that the headline may evoke some disparaging comments. Yes, we’re aware that there’s a global pandemic that's disrupting manufacturing lines and shipping supply chains, and we also know that planes are not taking off.

We also know that oil prices have crashed, despite pushing higher today after the Fed announced a set of aggressive measures to combat the economic hit of the coronavirus outbreak. Demand is shrinking along with global economies and the future for crude is looking seriously bleak.

But technical analysis can often help spot the patterns and trends we might miss if we focused purely on the fundamentals.

So, just as we forecast a 50% drop in oil prices back in August, a long time before anyone had even heard of the coronavirus, to a target of $26, based on our analysis of the charts at the time, we are now allowing for a return move to $30, based, once more, on the technicals.