Chart Of The Day: Are Treasurys Eclipsing Wells Fargo's Rich Dividend?

 | Oct 10, 2018 10:01AM ET

Wells Fargo's (NYSE:WFC) 3.23% dividend has been one of the the most compelling reasons to own the stock, given its string of scandals in recent years.

But now that the 10-year Treasury note is yielding about the same, investors looking for reliable fixed income may see the government bond as a much safer bet.

As Friday's Q3 earnings report nears and with WFC shares currently trading 11.77% lower year to date, it's decision time for investors. In our opinion, earnings have to be dramatically better than expected to overcome the loss of trust both consumers and investors have suffered over the past few years.

But even if Wells Fargo outperforms, investors would be wise to consider another equity with a similar dividend or perhaps a less risky asset such as the 10-year. The 10-year note is right near Wells Fargo's yield, so why risk capital on a falling stock when you can get the same income with virtually no risk?