Charlie Brown And Interest Rates

 | Mar 11, 2015 02:48PM ET

Do you remember how Lucy always pulled the football each time Charlie Brown tried to kick it? To this day, he’s fallen on his rear end and every time while Lucy just snickers. This is exactly what the Federal Reserve has done since late 2009. If you recall, we heard about “green shoots” in the economy and “recovery” has been the watch word ever since. The one word you have not heard and certainly not seen is “expansion”.

You see, the real economy has never recovered and no matter how massaged or fudged the economic reports are, they cannot be altered enough to show genuine “expansion” when you scrape off the gold plating. The Lucy/Charlie brown game has been “the Fed will raise rates later this year” …each and every year for the last five. They are walking a tightrope where the ugly reality must be polished feverishly but not so much so that markets demand a rate hike.

The following chart (courtesy of friend M. Stevens) was generated directly from the St. Louis Fed website so what we will talk about today is directly from Federal Reserve data.