Central Banks Finally Hit Their Targets, Just In Time For Another Crisis

 | Nov 14, 2017 02:32AM ET

They finally did it.

Since 2008, Central Banks have been desperately trying to generate inflation.

They know they cannot produce growth (hence why both the Fed and the ECB abandoned this as a goal in their statements back in 2013)… so they have chosen to “target” inflation.

To that end, Central Banks have maintained Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) as well as Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) for the better part of eight years. They’ve also printed over $14 TRILLION in new capital and funneled it into the financial system.

These two policies failed to create inflation for the simple reason that the money never made it into the economy. Banks simply were not lending. So all this cheap money just sat on bank balance sheets (earning interest for the banks) and the velocity of money continued to drop in a deflationary spiral.