Can The Top 10 Percent Prop Up The Economy?

 | May 14, 2014 07:36AM ET

Is the top 10% up to the task of borrowing and blowing enough money to prop up a debt and bubble-dependent economy?

Since the entire economy depends on consumption for its "growth," and discretionary consumption is financed with either cash or debt, that leads to two questions: 1) who has cash to spend on non-essentials and 2) who is credit-worthy enough to borrow money for non-essentials?
What makes a household credit-worthy? A) disposable income, i.e. cash left over after servicing debt and paying for essentials, and B) assets that can act as collateral for loans.
Since the top 10% take home 50% of all household income, it follows that this top slice has most of the discretionary cash: