BRIC: Manufacturing Takes A Hit From Global Trade War

 | Sep 23, 2019 12:58AM ET


  • Manufacturing for these countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China—is weaker, save for Brazil.
  • Inflation is contained.
  • Growth is trending lower, although that's a relative term.
  • BRIC Conclusion: Things are a bit dicey. Manufacturing is taking a hit from the global trade war, although the service sectors are still expanding. On the plus side, inflation is contained, which gives their central banks room to maneuver. Unemployment is low, which should support modest increases in retail sales going forward.

    Form an investment perspective, this is a higher-risk region. Investors with a higher risk tolerance who want to invest for the long term might want to consider taking a position in broader country ETFs. But for the risk-averse, this region should be avoided.

    Let's start with a table of key macro numbers: