Bond Curves Right All Along, But It Won’t Matter (Yet)

 | Jan 31, 2019 01:57AM ET

Men have long dreamed of optimal outcomes. There has to be a better way, a person will say every generation. Freedom is far too messy and unpredictable. Everybody hates the fat tails, unless and until they realize it is outlier outcomes that actually mark progress.

The idea was born in the eighties that Economics had become sufficiently advanced that the business cycle was no longer a valid assumption. The mantra, “eliminate the troughs without shaving off the peaks” was repeated repeatedly especially in Greenspan’s nineties.

Ever since Plato, people have tried to achieve Kallipolis, the fabled city representing Socrates’ idea of perfect justice. Only, he put the enlightened philosophers on top to make the rules and see them carried out. History has proven that though philosophers do exist (they think) the perfect state of enlightenment doesn’t and the pursuit tends more toward practical nightmare than the utopian dream.

Mathematics and computerization have rebirthed the ideal anyway. If past experts didn’t get it right, a new crop will using the most modern of sophisticated digital tools. The very notion of technocracy is within reach, at least that’s what they keep saying. They’ll defend it to the end no matter how much damage it keeps doing.