Bitcoin Buying Panic Leaves A Dangerously Overextended Market

 | Nov 29, 2017 11:55PM ET

What’s interesting about the nature of markets is just when one side of the battle between buyers and sellers thinks they have it completely won, they are at their most vulnerable. Bitcoin has gained over 100% since the start of October on top of an over 900% gain for the year 2017. Since Bitcoin broke out into a best time to buy Bitcoin was back in 2015 and 2016 when few were talking about it and it was emerging out of a Stage 1 base. Now everyone is talking about it and greed has taken over and the Stage 2 uptrend has gone into a breathtaking parabola. Earlier today Bitcoin was more than 130% above it’s 30 week MA which is the most overbought it has been since this uptrend began in 2015. Amazingly this is the third time in the last 6 months the price has stretched more than 100% above the MA, that is exceedingly rare for something with a market cap of over $150 billion.

For comparison purposes when Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) made its final parabolic move into the first quarter of 2001 during the Internet bubble it had a market cap of around $500 billion and only made it to 50% above its 30-week MA.