Bitcoin: A Crystal Ball Or Luck?

 | May 28, 2021 02:23AM ET

A month ago, on Apr. 27, we said au revoir to our Bitcoin holdings. After hanging on to our coins for years (we were bullish on bitcoin since 2014 and recommended it to clients at $450), we sold our entire position. So why the change of heart?

We buy assets which are cheap and stay away from those that are either expensive or that we simply don’t understand. Risk/reward considerations are always prevalent in our framework. Bitcoin may well go on to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but we feel that the risks now associated with owning it are in our view worrisome.

What risks, you might ask? Chris laid out his long-term view on bitcoin and potential risks in a blog post a few months back. It’s just as relevant today. So we highly encourage you to read it, especially if you’re thinking about dipping your toes in the crypto market.

Looking back, it turned out to be the right call. A few weeks after we sent out our sell alert, bitcoin crashed from around $59,000 to $30,000.