Bank Of Japan Continues To Distort ETF Market

 | Sep 12, 2017 06:23AM ET

Key Points:

  • BOJ reaches 75% ownership of the ETF market
  • Eventual unwinding poses significant risk levels
  • Watch for long term damage to ETF markets on TOPIX

There is no doubt that the past seven years have been a watershed for macroeconomic policy, as well as financial markets, as central banks have ardently cast aside the accepted playbook and moved into the realm of policy experimentation. Subsequently, what was birthed was the quantitative easing process which saw the Bank of Japan inject huge amounts of money into the broader economy in an attempt to stimulate spending and investment activity.

However, what started out as the noblest of endeavours has quickly turned farcical as the BOJ quickly moved from running the printing presses to targeted injections of funds directly into the ETF market. Initially, this was welcomed by the broader sector as a way to provide liquidity and cash to the Exchange Traded Funds in an attempt to stimulate some economic growth and inflation. Instead, the central bank has been slowly hoovering up the majority of ETF sales in the past five years and this has caused some significant market distortions.