Sentiment Data In China Resembles 2013

 | Jan 04, 2017 02:40AM ET

China’s official manufacturing PMI fell just slightly for December 2016, after rising for November to the highest since mid-2014. The overall index pulled back to 51.4 from 51.7 the previous month. The subindex for New Orders remained steady at 53.2, matching the highest point since July 2014. These PMI estimates suggest that China’s experience with the “rising dollar” has passed.

In normal times, that would be a very good development which would herald the start of recovery. The past decade being far from normal, however, it is yet another indication of instead the worst case. The sentiment data in China and elsewhere in the second half of 2016 increasingly resembles that from the second half of 2013. That would suggest, strongly, that China has not really exited the “rising dollar” as euphemism for the ongoing eurodollar problem plaguing the global economy still, rather it has only moved beyond the discrete stage of it that began (“unexpectedly”) in the middle of 2014.