AUD/USD Bulls Fall To Chinese Slowdown Fears, .7000 In Sight

 | Jan 06, 2016 10:21AM ET

It’s been a rough start to 2016 for China bulls and anyone else dependent upon solid growth in the world’s second-largest economy. After Monday’s Chinese stock-market washout, sentiment toward the Middle Kingdom stabilized yesterday, but that was merely the calm before today’s storm.

The panic kicked off with the daily fix of China’s currency, the renminbi. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) set the currency’s daily reference rate at 6.5314 against the dollar, its lowest level since April 2011. This marked the seventh consecutive day of devaluation, prompting traders to wonder whether Chinese authorities are seeing signs of an imminent economic slowdown and taking actions to prepare and try to soften the blow. In everyday terms, today’s move by the PBOC is akin to seeing your local weatherman buying a generator and boarding up the windows to his house, even if he hasn’t publicly mentioned an incoming storm.

One measure of the market’s level of concern about China’s currency is the difference between the on-shore Chinese renminbi (CNY), which is influenced by the PBOC’s intervention, and the offshore Chinese renminbi (CNH), which is more influenced by market forces. This spread has spiked to 2%, it’s widest level on record: