Asia Blues: The New Silk Road

 | Mar 25, 2015 11:34AM ET

  • Chinese market initiatives will ultimately marginalise Hong Kong
  • "New Silk Road" programme will extend Chinese geopolitical power
  • Current Chinese slowdown will likely precede future expansion
  • I’m writing this from Hong Kong on route to Sydney. Every time I go to Asia I am inspired, but this time there is a strong scent of change and slowdown in the air, and with that comes new resolve from China.

    Hong Kong and Macau are, in my opinion, being marginalised for both political and economic reasons.

    Macau and Hong Kong have historically served as gateways to China for foreign investors but more importantly, have also been the door through which money has left China. The classic import-export businesses based in Hong Kong and Macau have, through over-and underpricing of goods, been a major source of prosperity for business people in mainland China.