Are You Safe With A Balanced Portfolio?

 | May 08, 2014 02:15AM ET

h2 The Roosevelt Institute :

A bond vigilante is a bond market investor who protests a country’s fiscal policies by selling off its bonds and refusing to buy them. This happens when the bond investors perceive the policy to be inflationary, and can act as a check on a government that is over-spending. The proof of vigilante action is high interest rates, as yields rise when investors perceive risk; this makes a government’s cost of borrowing rise.

Bond vigilantes can also come out of the woodwork to protest low-interest rate policies from the Fed. Bond vigilantes worry that excessive money printing will eventually spark inflation, which erodes the purchasing power of interest payments made to bond holders.

h3 Are You Safe With A Balanced Portfolio?/h3

A stock-and-bond-only strategy, often referred to as a balanced portfolio, could have trouble in certain corrective periods. For example, what happens if the next bear market is caused by the Fed losing control of interest rates? The Fed has artificially suppressed rates for years. If all the printed money in the system eventually leads to inflation, bond vigilantes could sell bonds, causing interest rates to spike. Rising interest rates can be a drag on economic growth. Under that scenario, both stocks and bonds could get hit hard simultaneously. A balanced portfolio has no place to hide when stocks and bonds are both declining in value.

h3 A Spike In Rates, Is A Spike In Rates/h3

Can stocks and bond fall in unison? Sure they can. It becomes more expensive to borrow as interest rates rise, which can impact corporate profit margins. The negative impact of higher rates on economic growth comes regardless of the “why” behind a sell-off in bonds. Therefore, any period in history when bonds and stocks sold off simultaneously can provide a glimpse of what a bear market caused by the Fed losing control of rates might look like.

h3 1994: Rates Went Up And Stocks Went Down/h3

The Vanguard Balanced Index (VBINX) basically invests in a mix of 60% stocks and 40% bonds, meaning it can serve as a proxy for a balanced portfolio. The chart below shows the performance of the fund during a 1994 spike in interest rates.