Are EMs More Vulnerable To A Fed Tightening Cycle Than In The Past?

 | Jun 05, 2016 04:09AM ET

Over the past month, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has been sending clear signals that an increase in US interest rates is likely to occur within the coming months (see our commentary from last week, US Fed shakes complacent markets). Global financial markets have been stirred by the new expectations set by the Fed but the impact has been most strongly felt in emerging markets (EMs). Broad-based declines have been experienced in major EM currencies against the dollar since the Fed began communicating the possibility of a rate hike in early May. EM equity markets have fallen, the MSCI EM index is tracking a 1.6% decline since May 3 when Fed Vice Chair Dudley first raised the spectre of a Fed hike, and capital outflows from EMs have picked up. In light of these developments, we turn our attention this week to EM vulnerabilities to a Fed hike and address whether or not EMs are better placed to withstand the current tightening cycle as compared to 2012, just before the so-called 2013 taper tantrum.

We assess EM vulnerabilities based upon three metrics in a sample of 18 major EM countries. The first metric is the current account balance. Fed tightening causes capital outflows to the US in search of higher yields.Countries with large current account deficits are the most sensitive to this development because they rely on capital inflows to finance these deficits.

The second metric is the external debt position of EM countries. Several EMs have high debt holdings in US dollar. Fed tightening will spur an appreciation of the dollar and consequently increase the cost of repaying and servicing this debt, creating a drag on growth. This could also increase investor risk aversion and further accelerate capital outflows

Vulnerability of Selected EMs to Higher US Interest Rates