Yen Pushes Higher, Drops Lower

 | Jun 24, 2016 12:33AM ET

The votes are in and the counting is well and truly under way in the UK’s referendum on EU membership. Early results are reflecting blue-collar (leave) sentiment while white collar voters are due later. Markets are like a coiled spring waiting eagerly for the first sniff of an outcome.

The market’s overall lean continues to price in the ‘’Remain’’ vote pulling through. While today’s market levels going into voting have surprised on the top side of GBP/USD and USD/JPY, we should be very cognizant that much of the activity has occurred in gaunt markets.

For the most part, trading has been periodic amid dwindling liquidity. While we expect liquidity to deteriorate as we near the outcome, market depth is playing out as anticipated. We should expect a high level of volatility, bordering on excessive at times, as results hit the wires.

Turnout is projected at around 80%, which should favour the Remain vote. It was thought on a lower turnout would support the Brexit side as they were more passionate on the campaign trail. But calmer heads are prevailing in early sentiment. Crunch time is finally here, and it could be a photo finish with not a lot between the two camps.