And Just Like That, It All Changed

 | Jan 25, 2015 04:49AM ET

An absolutely massive week for leading stocks.

I’ve talked recently about the ability to keep it small during the tough times and go heavy during the good times and things turned good this past week.

After one leading company reported great earnings and gaped up large overnight other leading stocks and markets saw their behaviour change instantly to very positive.

Much of my life has and does revolve around markets and stocks and once you become really dialled in, spotting changes becomes easier. It takes time, much study and a bit of luck to see and feel the changes. So, after about a year of poor action things have changed in the blink of an eye.

So far so good but I’m always watching closely because things can just as quickly revert to poor but I do hope we can make this run last until May or so, or longer.

As I’ve said on numerous occasion, I think we have another couple or few years left in this bull market and the fun/blow-off phase is yet to come. The metals continued to behave well and are now taking a much deserved rest so we now have to look for higher lows.