Analysts Still Edgy Before Payroll Data – Too Much Lipstick On This Pig

 | Jul 03, 2017 04:30AM ET

With each passing week and month, it is getting more and more difficult to find any optimists out there in the analyst community. For every one thing that looks positive, there seem to be two or three other items that cause concern in a number of quarters.

For anyone that had the chutzpa to invest back during the Great Recession before a recovery was a dead certainty, the rewards have been great. Major investment firms continue to wax eloquently about this market, suggesting caution, but urging all to stay invested in order to eke out the last drops of alpha in this Bull market’s bottle of spirits.

But when is enough really enough? When do you pull the plug, wait on the sidelines, and then plug in again for the long haul?

Many investors and analysts have been asking these same questions for quite some time, yet the narrative supports sticking with it. At some point, logic says that gravity must take over, but have our central bankers tied so many knots in the global economy’s infrastructure that it, too, is held hostage to a slow growth scenario that could go on for ad infinitum? Attempts to find a “silver bullet” chart, one that all could agree was a penultimate forecasting gem, have been fruitless, but the lack of results in this effort has not deterred the faithful from continuing their search.

At some point, the dreaded correction will occur, or worse yet, a “Black Swan” event of devilish proportions. For the time being, however, investors that did profit handsomely over the past eight years can only gloat when presented with the chart below: