Amazing Opportunity In The Gold Sector

 | Dec 09, 2015 12:02AM ET

Despite widespread pessimism, apathy, and derision towards the sector, gold and gold stocks present an extremely rare opportunity. Gold stocks are on track to record 5 years of losses starting in 2011 with the HUI gold bugs index plunging 84% percent from 2011 to 2015. Gold is on pace to put in a 3+ year bear market with 3 years of losses. But the utter destruction in this sector is what has created an awesome opportunity. The only question is the timing of when this can be capitalized on.

Stage 4 bear markets are what create massive opportunities for upside gains and new Stage 2 bull markets. A bear market causes investors to panic out of a sector. Selling begets more selling until finally the sector bottoms out as sellers become exhausted. After a bear market, a Stage 1 base forms which is a period of disinterest in a sector as investors favor other sectors. The sector may remain “cheap” and drift sideways for a long period of time, from months to even years.