After Fed Balks At Rate Change, It’s Back To ‘Disaster Planning 101'

 | Sep 30, 2015 11:57PM ET

September has come and gone. The Fed was supposed to rock the world with a massive 25 basis-point rate increase, but Ms. Yellen blinked, and financial markets breathed a sigh of relief. Cheap money was still available to bloat stock values and fund the global banking casino of government bonds. What ever will the Press write about today? China has receded into the back pages. Mario Draghi, the omnipresent chairman of the ECB, has chosen to avoid the spotlight, strange behavior for him, for sure. The G20 confab was a non-event, but, as the dust settles and markets tread calmer waters, the maddening throngs are back to screaming that the sky is about to fall.

Yes, the doomsday pundits have grabbed the podium. Nature may abhor a vacuum, but I suspect that every “Little Boy Blue” in the world has regained new strength to shout from the rooftops that Armageddon is near. In the olden days, we would have mounted a mission to the Oracle (NYSE:ORCL) at Delphi in quest of answers. In the modern era, we prefer to approach academia and its Nobel-Prize winners in economics to pontificate where we are headed.

Robert Shiller’s famous CAPE Index chart could start a rush for the exits.