A Surprise Turn To The Right

 | Oct 16, 2017 08:15AM ET

One of the most common questions asked about the 2008 financial crisis is "didn't people know that the housing market was in a bubble?"

Well, yes. Some did but most people who were paying attention at the time were making enough money to keep their opinions to themselves.

At this point in the cycle, with the price to earnings reaching record levels, just about every economist out there is sure that we're in a bubble and they're not keeping quiet about it this time.

Even the infamous investing firm Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) has now chimed in saying that there is an 88% chance of a bear market within the next 2 years.

Of course, predicting a market crash is kind of like predicting an earthquake. You never really know when one will happen or why. So, we must continue as if everything will go on as planned but at the same time be prepared for the worst.

h3 Today's Highlights/h3

Euro-Politics Heating Up

Fighting Over Oil

Crypto Markets Continue

Please note: All data, figures & graphs are valid as of October 16th. All trading carries risk. Only risk capital you can afford to lose.

h3 Market Overview/h3

Just moments ago we had a critical update from the Catalan Republic. After being backed into a corner Catalan President Puigdemont has upheld the claim to independence.

Puigdemont has been dancing between the election results that showed a 92% mandate to leave Spain, the Spanish government who is pledging to bring down the hammer, and Catalonian businesses who are threatening to leave rather than face a Catalexit.

The Spanish Index IBEX 35 is falling fast with declines of 0.75% since the market opened a few moments ago.