A Proven “Crash-Resistant Strategy” For 7%+ Dividends, 77% Upside

 | Jun 02, 2020 05:41AM ET

I’m no mind reader, but I’m guessing you’d leap at an investment with the stability of a bond and the upside of a stock right now.

Sounds like something tailor-made for a crisis, right?

The good news is that it’s no pipe dream. These handy “crash-resistant” plays are out there and ripe for buying. We’re going to take a close look at how we can tap them for huge dividends now—yearly cash payouts all the way up to 9.7%!

It’s a retirement strategy every investor should take a look at. Unfortunately, too few even know these “shapeshifter” investments exist.

Lender Today, Shareholder Tomorrow

I’m talking about convertible bonds. As the name says, you can switch these income chameleons from a bond to a share of stock whenever you like.

And these days, the crisis has US companies tapping the convertible-bond market with abandon, giving us lots of choice: according to Barron’s, $31 billion of convertible bonds have been issued since the beginning of April alone, more than half of the $53 billion issued in all of 2019.

Southwest Airlines (NYSE:LUV), for example, issued $2 billion of convertible senior notes on April 28. The notes, due in March 2025, offer the holder the option to convert to stocks at a share price of $38.48. As I write this, Southwest trades at $32.55, so converting would cost you $5.93 a share. So it’s safe to say there won’t be many conversions happening now.

But converting could still bag you a big double-digit return as the crisis eases and people hop back on planes. Consider that the last time Southwest hit $38.48 prior to COVID-19 was in September 2016—and once it hit that level, it ripped 77% higher, to a record $66, in just 14 months.

LUV Bondholders Wait for History to Repeat