A Proven 5-Step System For Safe 7%+ Dividends And 40% Gains

 | Jul 02, 2018 06:12AM ET

With over 500 closed-end funds (CEFs) on the market, how do you choose the best one?

It’s not an easy question to answer, because there are literally dozens of metrics any CEF investor should look at before buying.

But you don’t have to worry, because in a moment, you’re going to get the “guts” of the 5-point system I’ve carefully designed to pick winning CEFs for our service .

So why is it important to have a good system?

Because if you don’t, you could find yourself holding an empty bag—like investors who bought the Virtus Total Return Closed End Fund (NYSE:ZF) at the start of the year because they were seduced by its 15.3% dividend yield.

Sadly, that move resulted in a massive loss in no time flat, even with dividend payouts:

The Perils of a High Yield