A Few Chinese Bad News Bears To Spoil A Happy New Year

 | Dec 26, 2011 02:53AM ET

Goldman's Jim O'Neill noted in a recent interview that the world's future prosperity depends on China's growth. While we don't totally agree with that assessment as we see China as one of the many contributory factors towards world's future, there are some recent bad news bears coming out of China that could spell troubles for markets, at least in 2012.h3 Export Growth Could Drop to Zero in 2012/h3

The General Administration of Customs released November trade figures showing export growth continued to decelerate and was at their most sluggish in two years.  At a news conference, China's Commerce Ministry spokesperson warned,

"The overall trade environment next year for China will be complicated, partly due to the economic uncertainties in the European countries, and I should say that the export situation in the first quarter of next year will be very severe."

Wang Tao, an economist at UBS Securities noted China's export growth is expected to "drop to zero in 2012," which will have a "sizable negative impact on the economy," and that the export figures underline "shifts in the export structure - some traditional lower-end and labor-intensive sectors may be losing market share to cheaper producers." (See Chart Below)