A Disarming Calm Ahead Of Trifecta Thursday

 | Jun 08, 2017 06:30AM ET

AT40 = 47.0% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs)
AT200 = 54.4% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAs
VIX = 10.4 (volatility index)
Short-term Trading Call: cautiously bullish

At the time of typing, financial markets are carefully stepping into “Trifecta Thursday” – or maybe not so carefully if measured by the volatility index. The VIX remained amazingly calm ahead of what has been heralded as a key meeting on monetary policy form the European Central Bank (ECB), testimony from former FBI Director James Comey on Russian election meddling and President Trump’s potential connections to it, and a national election in the United Kingdom that is serving as yet another referendum on Brexit.