A Covered Call ETF To Profit From September Market Storms

 | Sep 08, 2022 05:21AM ET

By now you’ve likely heard that September is the worst month for stocks. It’s all over the media! But September is also a great time to buy a unique type of dividend fund that cashes in when volatility rears up (these funds will pay you blockbuster yields north of 7%, too!).

I’m talking about a special type of closed-end fund (CEF) called a covered-call fund, which makes more money every time the market panics. They then turn that cash over to us in the form of a dividend that crushes anything you’d get on a blue-chip stock or Treasury.

Don’t let the jargon-y name throw you. All you need to know about covered-call funds is that they sell the right for investors to buy the stocks they hold at some future date, at a fixed price. If the stock hits that price, the option buyer purchases it. If not, they don’t. Either way, covered-call funds keep the money they charge option buyers for this right (called a “premium” in option-speak).

This strategy does well in times of volatility, and we know we’ve had plenty of that this year. The VIX, the market’s so-called “fear gauge,” has been, er, over-caffeinated, to say the least.

h2 Higher VIX = Higher Income for SPXX