7 MONSTER Stock Market Predictions: Get Ready For More Consolidation

 | Mar 21, 2022 01:02AM ET

So stocks continued to rally into options expiration, and now that it is over with we should see the pace of the market slow. The rally, although strong, I believe was mostly related to OPEX, and by pounding, I am taking on Twitter . It would seem the bulls have their guts back, and are again feeling like they are in charge.

Unfortunately, most of the evidence I see continues to suggest we will not see an all-time high anytime soon, and more than likely trading sideways, similar to what we saw in the 2015 and 2016 time frame, at least until we start to get more details on the balance sheet run-off which should come in about 3 weeks times, although Powell does speak prior to the Fed minutes.

Additionally, I expect that Fed governors will begin to indicate the balance sheet running off at a pace of about $100 billion a month, the Dovish Fed governor Kashkari already indicated as much.

The chart below shows why I think we may be in for a period of sideways consolidation in the equity market, essentially because it went nowhere in 2015 and 2016 as the balance sheet was stagnate, and in the process of actually falling to some degree.

Then in 2017, as the balance sheet stabilized and even increased some, the S&P 500 was able to rise. But clearly, once the balance sheet started its decline in 2018, the equity market endured a lot of choppiness and big price swings.