6 Things You Need to Know About Gold Stocks

 | May 09, 2024 02:29AM ET

After the introduction of Gold and Silver ETFs and a 13-year secular bear market, everyone knows gold miners suck. Just ask Hugh Hendry.

But the truth is far more nuanced.

Here is almost everything you need to know, divided into a list.

h2 1) Gold Stocks are Options on the Gold Price/h2

The introduction of the first Gold ETF (NYSE:GLD) in 2004 and the first Silver ETF (NYSE:SLV) in 2006 relegated miners to options on Gold. Before 2004, investors and portfolio managers could only gain exposure to gold or silver through mining companies.

As a result, miners were more widely owned and traded at higher valuations in the last century. Now, the opposite is true. Miners have taken a backseat to ETFs and trade like options on Gold. 

h2 2) Gold Stocks Outperform Gold During Gold Breakouts and Crash Rebounds/h2

Gold Stocks outperform Gold when Gold makes strong trending moves because that is when mining margins quickly accelerate. This occurs during and after major gold price breakouts and significant rebounds, such as immediately after gold price lows in October 2008 and March 2020.

h2 3) Gold Stocks Outperform During Gold Cyclical Bulls/h2

Cyclical bulls in Gold tend to last around three years and usually include a breakout in the Gold price.

The August 2018 to August 2020 cyclical bull market in Gold included the breakout through $1375 in July 2019.

The October 2008 to April 2011 cyclical bull market in Gold included the breakout through $1000 in September 2009. 

The 2004 to 2007 cyclical bull market included the hugely significant breakout in the autumn of 2005 in which Gold advanced through $500/oz for the first time in decades.

The chart below plots Gold, GDXJ, and the HUI. The yellow highlights cyclical bull markets, and the vertical lines mark Gold price breakouts.