3 Post-Midterm Buys

 | Nov 13, 2018 05:45AM ET

Now that the election’s over, it’s time for us contrarians to get greedy!

And I’ve got just the thing: 3 hated buys we can use to rack up serious gains and dividends while the rest of the herd struggles to get its bearings.

Where do these 3 cash machines come from? The defense and infrastructure sectors.

Now you might see where I’m coming from on infrastructure. Probably the one thing Republicans and Democrats agree on is that our ramshackle roads, bridges and power plants need a lot of work.

More on this, including a rock-solid play for 6.5% dividends and “steady as she goes” upside, at the end of this article.

Before we get to that, though, let’s talk defense, a sector that might surprise you given that the media regularly rolls out stories about Democrats’ reluctance to goose the Pentagon budget.

Funny thing is, defense stocks crushed it during the Obama years, including from November 2008 to November 2010, when Democrats were elected to majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate, as well:

Defense Roars Under Obama …