2014: Leverage The Power Of Now In Investing

 | Jan 09, 2014 03:54PM ET

Staying In The Now Is Key To Investing
Eckhart Tolle’s New York Times Best Seller 2007 to 2009

  • Monitor & Adjust: 2010 Flash Crash
  • Investing In The Now – How Do I Make It Happen?
    A structured system or model is one excellent way to stay in the Now. You should build a model or find a model that passes the “that makes sense to me” test. Any model should be thoroughly backtested. Strict rules are also necessary since a model is useless if you do not follow it 100% of the time (no exceptions). The beauty of the financial markets is there are countless ways to skin the risk-management cat. The articles below cover the concepts of paying attention and adjusting as the evidence changes:

    1. IF, THEN Systems
    2. The Market Does Not Care What You Think

    The concept of paying attention is based on probabilistic outcomes, or if you prefer probabilistic forecasting. The difference is we base our allocations on known information, markets and hard data, rather than where we believe the data or markets will be in the future. When the “knowns” change, we adjust our allocations as needed.

    1982: Would You Have Predicted An 18-Year Rise In Stocks?
    Human bias about the markets is a form of forecasting. If your self-talk is something along these lines, “Stocks cannot go up given all the problems in the world today”, then ask yourself how many people felt the same way in 1982?