2014 Q2 US GDP: Rebound Expected

 | May 15, 2014 06:40AM ET

Economic growth slowed to a crawl in the first three months of this year, but a rebound is projected for the second quarter, according to The Capital Spectator’s median econometric nowcast. GDP is expected to rise 2.8% during the April-through-June period (real seasonally adjusted annual rate). This is an initial estimate that uses limited Q2 data and so the projection is a preliminary review that will be updated several times in the weeks ahead as new economic indicators are published and existing data are revised. The final nowcast for the quarter will be published shortly ahead of the official Q2:2014 GDP report. The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is scheduled to release its “advance” Q2 estimate on July 30, 2014.

Looking backward for a moment, let’s recognize that the final nowcast for Q1 reflected a substantially stronger economy compared with the official GDP data. Rather than the implied 2.4% advance, the BEA reported a tepid 0.1% rise in this year’s Q1 GDP. Nonetheless, the fact that the Q1 projection was well above the initial GDP estimate from the government suggests that economic activity, while struggling in the early months of this year, still had enough forward momentum to keep the expansion alive.

As for looking ahead, here’s how The Capital Spectator’s initial Q2 nowcast compares with recent history and several forecasts from other sources: